Prayer Ministry:
The Ministry of Intercession at Messiah House is based on the Word of the Lord.
Hebrews 4:16 says, “Let’s therefore draw near with boldness to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace for help in time of need.”
It is an invitation for all that is available to anyone who wants to receive, with the understanding that Abba Father has called us to His own testimony to intercede for us with groans. The word teaches us that we have been given the keys and who we are in Yeshua. The ministry of intercession is at your service to help and support your needs and to fulfill the will of our beloved Father.
Please contact Winsome Thompson for prayer requests.
Nursery Ministry:
From the earliest age, children need to know that they are loved and accepted. We provide a safe, consistent, and quality experience for children ages 0-5 years to begin their life in our congregation. Our nursery is a place where your child not only will have fun in a safe environment, but will hear about God’s love for them. Nursery teachers are available during the sermon; however rooms are open from 10:00am -1:00pm, for parents who need it.
For more information about the Nursery, please contact Renae Perez.
Children’s Ministry:
In Messiah House's Children’s Ministry our mission is to help the parents raise their child in a Godly atmosphere so they will grow up to be Godly men and women. The best investment we can make is into our children because they are the future believers of America and the world. We teach your children from the Word of God each week in a fun & interactive way so they will enjoy coming to learn. The desire of our workers is to raise world changers who are in love with Yeshua.
For more information about the Children’s Ministry, please contact Katya Richman.
Men’s Ministry:
Our Men's Ministry has a vision where it is the norm for all our men to be Men Of God. This takes in the entire Biblical process of being saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, and brought to the place where one hears from the Lord daily and is part of the body of Messiah as a mature man. Of course this is a lifelong process in all of us, but that is why our men devote ourselves to the Lord's work within this Messianic community.
For more information about our Men’s Ministry, please contact Trevor Blight.
Women’s Ministry:
Our mission statement is to help women see their great courage and calling. This comes from our core beliefs that:
Women are mighty warriors in their homes, workplaces, and communities.
Women have strength of mind and spirit to face adverse situations with courage.
Women’s hearts are tender and compassionate reaching out to others.
Women pray for their families and communities for the Kingdom of Messiah.
Women enjoy unity of fellowship, prayer and caring for each through preparing food dishes and for oneg/lunch and planning events.
For more information on this ministry, please contact Joy Blight.
Marketing & Media Ministry:
Our marketing & media team helps bring our mission online through our website and social media platforms. We want to reach all who are hungry for the Lord and have a desire to worship Him in spirit & in truth. No matter where you are in the world or what situation you find yourself in, this team wants to make sure you can stay involved with what’s happening at Messiah House.
For more information about this ministry, please contact Jacob Hicks.
Worship Ministry:
The Music Team at Messiah House seeks to exalt Yeshua first and foremost under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Cantor employs Spirit-filled songs from many styles, from traditional Hebrew liturgy and Messianic music to contemporary worship, and in several languages, in Hebrew, English, and Spanish.
To get involved with our music team, please talk to Ryan Engelbrecht.
Dance Ministry:
Redeeming Israeli folk dance steps to glorify Yeshua!
2 Samuel 6:14, “Let us Dance with all our hearts and strength before the Lord as David did “Wearing a linen ephod, David was dancing before the LORD with all his might.”
Everyone is welcome to participate during the congregational praise and worship time, no need to be shy; remember who we are worshiping, not man but God.
Dance ministry meets for morning practice at 9:15 on Saturdays. Anyone is welcome to join us as we practice for the morning service!
Contact Katya Richman or talk to her after service to see how you can be involved and what it means to be part of the team.
Greeting Ministry:
Our goal is to welcome people, both members and visitors, with the love of Yeshua. The first impression a person has when entering our doors is very important. Our ministry strives to make everyone feel welcomed and loved.
For questions about our greeting ministry, please see Nina Fechter.
Ushers Ministry:
In the usher’s ministry, we are called to serve our brother’s and sister’s in Yeshua. Our position is to love, protect and direct those that need guidance in different ministries as well as different activities that are available. We are there as servants of The Most High to comfort those in need and do God’s will in any circumstance. It is important that we remain humble before the Lord and to seek His face in all of our ways.
For more information regarding our ushers ministry, please see Ed.
Oneg & Special Events:
For more information on this ministry, please contract Marcia Sawyers